
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Rusty Mondays

The goal for Monday runs is to shake off the rust from the weekend. these runs are usually done in the mornings when Ella is in UPK, two glorious hours for working out, writing, or watching House! Well, NYC kids get a 'Winter Break' in February, just a few short weeks after their long xmas break, were I bale to get a teaching job I would love this relaxing approach to education, however, I can not get a teaching job, so my feelings about the breaks are that they STINK! I forgot to mention in that rant that Universal Pre-K also enjoys this break. This means that I miss out on my two hour window of alone time, leaving me only the evenings for runs. Not only is it colder, but that cuts into time set aside for my girls. Curse you NYC Educational System. Curse You!

Anyway, Rusty Mondays. Last night I headed out for a six miler but cut it short due to an achey right knee.   Maybe it was the lack of dynamic stretching before hand, or the new shoes I'm trying out. Whatever it was it went away soon after heading home. So maybe it was all in my head. The run ended up being 8:30 miles, it was a 3.5'er. This is my current average, I ended last season running 7:30 average or faster. I don't think I'll be that fast for 13.1. I'm hoping to be at that speed for the Crooklyn half in May, and maybe even run a sub 1:40 half sometime in 2011.

In a side note I have been entertaining myself with other running blogs, most of which have some pithy closing phrase like "Gotta Run". So here are some ideas for my closing line. Let me know what you think, or if you have a better one.

Lace em up
Daddy's gotta run. 
Run 'til you puke
That's a lap (ties into the actor thing)
Stay on Tempo

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